My teacher James Swartz regularly says that the spiritual world is full of hundreds of thousands of people who have all had profound experiences of non-dual reality, experiences of oneness, bliss, transcendence – and yet still live their lives from a firmly dualistic relationship to life. A dualistic relationship to life means a conviction that I am this body and this mind and these feelings and I am separate... -
Las herencias que nos habitan
Cuando se piensa en las herencias de nuestras familias suele pensar en lo material, ya sea en lo económico o en lo físico. Es fácil conocer a alguien que hereda una casa, o sus deudas, unos pendientes, o cosas sin otro valor que el afectivo y sin otro significado que el que le da quien lo recibe. Acercándonos más a lo personal, en el cuerpo, también encontramos herencias familiares.... -
It is easy to misunderstand scripture like the Vedas. For example - at one point the author says “the meditator should merge all objects into the Self.” When you meditate, thoughts and sounds and feelings will appear in your mind and you are meant to merge those objects into the Self.